Hoosier Uplands
Contact Us*

The Baby & Me: Tobacco Free Program is a tobacco cessation program for pregnant women living in Crawford, Harrison, Martin, Orange County, and Washington Counties.  Hoosier Uplands has partnered with Blue River Services WIC (Women, Infant, and Children) to educate pregnant women to the dangers associated with smoking during pregnancy and the risks of secondhand smoke exposure to both mother and baby.  The Baby & Me: Tobacco Free Program provides pregnant women, who use tobacco products, with the tools needed to help them stop using tobacco and remain tobacco free after the birth of their child.  The program also provides tobacco cessation counseling for one qualifying support person living in the household to decrease secondhand smoke exposure to the infant after delivery.  In addition to cessation counseling, the program provides $27 diaper vouchers for each month the mother and support person test negative for tobacco use for up to 2 months prior to delivery and 12 months after delivery. 

Hoosier Uplands received a grant from the Indiana State Department of Health, Division of Maternal and Child Health to fund this program. 

Contact Information:

Hoosier Uplands 

500 West Main Street

Mitchell, IN  47446

Program Coordinator:  Theresa Pate

