Area XV Agency on Aging - Funding Sources/Eligibility Requirements
*Services and programs have been made available through various funding sources including:
Aged and Disabled Medicaid Waiver Services
for people who have Medicaid or are eligible for Medicaid and are at risk of institutional placement.
Eligibility Requirements
Medicaid Recipient. If client is in process of applying services can be pursued but not started until Medicaid starts
Senate Bill 30 Provision: a child under the age of 18 who is eligible for A&D waiver may apply for Medicaid with parental income excluded when targeted for a slot.
Section 1 (1 item marked) for Section 2 (3 items marked) of Eligibility Screen (assessed by Case Manager)
Services "safe & feasible" per doctor
Community and Home Options to Institutional Care for Elderly and Disabled Funding is provided by the Indiana Department of Human Services as authorized under the House enrolled Act 1386 (1C4-28-6.1) passed during the 1987 session of the Indiana General Assembly. Availability of CHOICE services may be limited due to funding limitations in each area.
Eligibility Requirements
Over age 60 or disabled
Section 1 (1 item marked) or Section 2 (2 items marked) of Eligibility Screen (assessed by Case Manager)
Services "safe & feasible" per doctor
Social Services Block Grant
Title XX of Social Services Block Grant provides services for the elderly and disabled. Targets low income.
Eligibility Requirements
Over age 60 or disabled
Section 3 of Eligibility Screen (assessed by Case Manager)
Below 300% of poverty
No able-bodied persons living in the home
Title III
Older Americans Act of 1965, provides for services to increase the quality of life of older adults. Targets the elderly (above 60) and low income.
Eligibility Requirements
Over age 60
Section 3 of Eligibility Screen (assessed by Case Manager
* private donations ...and others.